Eurosolids Calcium Nitrate Horticultural Grade is a highly pure Calcium fertilizer which dissolves rapidly and completely. Our product has limited caking sensitivity and is recommended as of early spring until fruit setting and fruit development. The high level of Calcium improves the strength of cell walls during active cell division stages. The presence of Nitrogen has a positive effect on the uptake of Calcium in the plant.

  • Improves fruit quality (less sensitive to bitter pit and blossom end rot) and shelf-life
  • Developed for fertigation in open field and greenhouses. Also suitable for foliar application


  • Low on heavy metals
  • Low on Sodium and Chloride
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2008


Kg in 1.000 l stock solution CaO in kg Total N in kg N-NO3 in kg N-NH4 in kg
100 26,3 15,5 14,4 1,1
150 39,4 23,2 21,6 1,6
200 52,6 31,0 28,8 2,2
250 65,7 38,7 36,0 2,7



Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
Fruit trees (adult)
• As of flowering
• Until fruit filling
200 500
• As of tuber setting
• Until tuber ripening
100 300
• As of leaf bud opening
• Until vegetative growth
100 300
Fruit vegetables
• As of 4 weeks after planting
• Until fruit filling
150 400
• As of plant establishment
• Until fruit filling
200 500
• Spring application
• Winter application
250 600
• As of 4 weeks after planting
• Until fruit filling
150 400


Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min kg / ha / appl Max kg / ha / appl Conc. % (w/v))
Pip fruit
5 - 9 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until 6 weeks before harvesting
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 6 0.4 - 0.8
Stone fruit
3 - 4 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until fruit ripening
• 10 - 14 days interval
2 4 0.3 - 0.6
3 - 4 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until 2 weeks before harvesting
• 10 - 14 days interval
2 3 0.3 - 0.4
Vineyards (adult)
2 - 3 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until fruit ripening
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 6 0.4 - 0.8
3 - 4 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until end of flowering
• 10 - 14 days interval
4 8 0.3 - 0.5
2 applications:
• Spring application
• During fruit setting
4 8 0.5 - 1.0
2 - 3 applications:
• From 20 cm height until 50% of tuber formation
• 7 - 10 days interval
2 4 0.3 - 0.5
2 - 3 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• Until 2 weeks before harvesting
• 10 - 14 days interval
2 4 0.3 - 0.5


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Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of Sulphate or Phosphate fertilizers. Therefore a separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied at different times.

Packaging sizes

  • 25kg
  • 1000kg

Fertilizing Knowledge

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