Euro FolVive Mn Zn Liquid is a pure and highly concentrated liquid Micronutrient fertilizer, formulated with 15% seaweed and EDTA chelates. Our product is a stable solution and is recommended as of early spring until fruit setting. The synergy between our seaweed extract and Manganese and Zinc in our formula improves photosynthesis and growth of new healthy roots, vigorous hoots and flower buds. Can also be applied as part of post harvest treatments on perennials to help building up reserves into dormant buds. The presence of high quality seaweed supports the uptake and the transportation of nutrients and increases resistance against abiotic stress.

  • Improves photosynthetic activity- root and shoot growth and ensures adequate crop establishment
  • Increases resistance to abiotic stress during critical physiological stages
  • Manganese and Zinc 100% chelated and fully available for plant uptake


  • 15% w-w of high quality Canadian seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum)
  • Dark brown liquid
  • Unique production process, guaranteeing optimal effect
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2015
  • Produced in our own plant Euroliquids, in the Netherlands

Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min L / ha / appl Max L / ha / appl Conc. % (v/v)
Fruit trees
1 - 3 applications:
• As of flowering
• As of 1st symptoms of deficiency
1 2 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• As of end of flowering
• Until elongation
• 10 - 14 days interval
2 4 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• As of end of tillering
• Until elongation
• 10 - 14 days interval
2 4 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• During 4 - 8 leaves stage
2 4 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• 3 weeks after germination
• 7 - 10 days interval
2 4 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• Until flower bud opening
1 2 1.0 - 2.0
1 - 3 applications:
• Spring application
• Summer application
3 5 1.0 - 2.0
Green beans
1 - 3 applications:
• As of 3 trifoliate leaves
• 7 - 10 days interval
1.5 2.5 1.0 - 2.0

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Compatible with other fertilizers, except Calcium-containing fertilizers. Therefore, a separate fertilizer dissolving tank is required or the fertilizers must be applied at different times. The pH of the tank solution should be above 4.

Packaging sizes

  • 1l
  • 5l
  • 10l
  • 20l
  • 200l
  • 1000l

Fertilizing Knowledge

How can Seaweed improve yield?

Seaweeds are used in agriculture since the 17th Century. For example to improve resistance to drought. Combined with new technologies and due to climate changes, seaweed is the number one biostimulant used by growers worldwide.

Find out more