Eurosolids Rota Liquid | 10 - 10 - 10 + TE is a pure and concentrated balanced NPK combined with EDTA chelated Micronutrients and Ureic Nitrogen. Our product is a transparent, stable solution and is recommended as a multi-purpose complement solution with balanced Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium formulas, destined to support the vegetative growth and early production stages. Having a balanced nutrition is crucial to ensure proper transition between establishment and production phases. Produced in our own plant Euroliquids.

  • Improves vegetative growth and results in high quality buds and fruits
  • Better shoot development
  • Micronutrients 100% chelated and fully available
  • K-source of choice, free of N, to stimulate generative growth, as of fruit setting


  • Green liquid
  • Low in heavy metals
  • Low in Sodium and Chloride
  • Low crystallization temperature
  • Production process certified according to ISO 9001:2015


Crop Application date Min L/ha/season Max L/ha/season
Fruit trees
• As of end of flowering
• Until fruit filling
100 200
• During entire fertigation program 150 250
• As of vegetative growth 150 300
• During vegetative growth
• During tuber initiation
• During tuber filling
100 200
Fruit vegetables
• As of vegetative growth
• Until fruit setting
150 300
• As of flower bud opening
• Until vegetative growth
100 150

Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min L / ha / appl Max L / ha / appl Conc. % (v/v)
Arable crops
3 applications:
• During entire season
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 5 0.3 - 0.5
2 - 4 applications:
• Until flowering starts
5 10 0.3 - 0.8
2 applications:
• Until fruit setting
5 8 0.5 - 1.0
4 applications:
• Spring application
• During vegetative growth
• During fruit setting
• During fruit filling
5 10 0.5 - 1.0
3 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 5 0.3 - 0.5
Stone fruit
2 applications:
• During vegetative growth
• During fruit filling
3 5 0.3 - 0.5
2 applications:
• During vegetative growth
2 3 0.2 - 0.3
1 application:
• During vegetative growth
• During fruit filling
3 5 0.3 - 0.5
Fruit vegetables
2 - 3 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until beginning of flowering
3 5 0.3 - 0.5

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Compatible with other fertilizers, except Calcium-containing fertilizers. Therefore, a separate fertilizer dissolving tank is required or the fertilizers must be applied at different times. The pH of the tank solution should be above 4.

Packaging sizes

  • 1l
  • 5l
  • 10l
  • 20l
  • 200l
  • 1000l

Fertilizing Knowledge

Our Liquid fertilizer factory

Our sister company Euroliquids, conveniently located in the port of Rotterdam, is the largest liquid fertilizer factory in Northern Europe. This is where we produce our high quality liquid fertilizers and work on developing innovative new recipes.

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